(Click here to download 'key' for dates and keywords.)
This is the Season for Nonviolence’s gift back to all of YOU who have worked and prayed so diligently and devotedly to bring more peace and less violence to our world, locally and globally.
The Mandala is a flexible and interactive icon meant to be used for reflection, contemplation, and meditation. It can be used by any individual in private, within your family, or in any group that gathers for peaceful reflection on a higher way to live in consciousness.
• Link to this page on your personal computer, or invite prayer partners to sit with you.
• Project this page through your center’s av system on to large screen. The meditation is very powerful when shared in large groups. Use as many or few meditations as you like to suit the time frame of your service or meeting.
• Once you have clicked to enter the Mandala, you can use it any way that suits you:
- Begin with Day One COURAGE, and continue clockwise around the circles. Read Quotation, Affirmation, Practice quietly and spend as much time as you like deepening into contemplation of what these words say to YOU.
- (Once you get back to COURAGE, jump to the next inner circle (ACCEPTANCE) and continue clockwise.)
- OR… choose any word(s) that jumps up and sings to you: chances are, you needed this word today.
- Use one word a day to shape your Season, OR click into as many as you feel you would like to explore at one sitting.
- The healing meditation music will begin as soon as you enter the Mandala and continue until you exit.
• PLEASE do your friends a service by forwarding this link for full use by your email networks. Let them know that they are free to use this for any purpose that serves our common mission of peace and nonviolence.
Finally, no matter how you choose to enjoy the Living Peace Mandala, ALWAYS KEEP IN MIND that your entire family in spirit and peace are standing with you in consciousness, connected through these wisdom themes during every day of the 2010 Season for Nonviolence. Every time you meditate here, you can KNOW that many others are joining you RIGHT NOW in this powerful moment.
Peace and Blessings..
Dr. Barbara E. Fields
Project Co-founder and Director, a Season for Nonviolence
Executive Director, Association for Global New Thought
True Collaboration for the SNV Living Peace Mandala
From the very beginning, the Season for Nonviolence was meant to be a new model for spiritually motivated action co-created by an integrated community of shared purpose. To that end, in 1998 all program and resource materials developed by AGNT were offered free of charge and without copyright restrictions to any individual or group that desired to use them toward building our dream of peace and nonviolence.
As all good experiments should, this intention quickly taught us that all that is freely given is freely returned! Soon, original materials were being utilized by task forces everywhere; as they were adapted and edited for specific events, evolved versions were pouring back in to the headquarter office with blessings and full permission for others participating in this shared vision to use these new creative contributions.
At this date, 12 Seasons later, virtually ALL of our free website offerings have been directly contributed and/or adapted and evolved by YOU—SNV’s grassroots communities of spiritual activists.
The Living Peace Mandala is one of the most shining examples, to date, of this extraordinary collaborative model so critically needed for our collective work in these times.
The Agape International Spiritual Center and Los Angeles SNV Task Force
Authors and Originators of the 64 Ways and Days Theme Words and Poster
In the launch year of Season fro Nonviolence, the Los Angeles task force, originating at Agape under the leadership of SNV Co-chair and AGNT President, Dr. Michael Beckwith, catalyzed what was to become the major themes and inspiration for the entire project. At that time, meant to celebrate the 30th and 50th memorial anniversaries of Gandhi and King, we did not know that the Season would become an annual program. Here we are twelve years later, with the inspired genius of the Agape/LA original task force leaders continuing to deliver a major impact upon the entire peace and nonviolence community.
The team wanted to develop a simple way for people to directly engage in the Season For Nonviolence throughout the 64 days of the first campaign. We realized that it was important to start with our personal practice, graduate to our personal relationships and gradually expand into our community and the world. We wanted to show that the opportunities to practice nonviolence are all around us, in little ways, in managable ways, that we grow incrementally in commitment, confidence and skill. We wanted to demonstrate that the elements of nonviolence practice are found in diverse cultures and faith traditions. The poster was and curriculum were graphically designed by Trish Weber. The curriculum was written and edited by Eisha Mason and Peggy DoBreer.
Editor/Author of Quotations and Affirmations
When Karen Jandorf learned about A Season for Nonviolence in 2007, she was inspired to participate. So she found quotes and wrote practices that would bring those quotes to life in a thought-provoking way. She crafted them into daily email messages and sent them to about 150 people. As the Season was coming to an end, countless people wrote to say, “You’re not going to stop, are you?” So she didn’t. Now her Seasons for Nonviolence messages are sent 365 days/year, reaching over 3,000 subscribers in 15 countries! To subscribe:
Designer of Daily Words Circle
In December, 2006, Veronica became the Community Service Director at the Center for Spiritual Living. With a grant from the Center, she was able to create the Greater Dallas Task Force to celebrate the 2007, 10 year anniversary of the Season for Nonviolence. Twenty-five volunteers, including our co-sponsors from Unity of Dallas, created a series of events to highlight the Season. She fell in love with the simplicity and power of the 64 Ways and the following year successfully introduced the practices through the bilingual, Common Peace posters that were donated to all of the Dallas and Irving Independent School Districts. The visual of the poster came to her inspired by the meaning of wholeness, seeing the practices in the circular form with the text, "Simple. Powerful. Be the Peace." She presented it to Melissa Ruggles Long, the Center's Graphics and Production Coordinator, who created the poster on Publisher.
Human Peace Sign Photo: Santa Barbara Sunken Gardens on the 5th Anniversary of the Iraq War
Santa Barbara, home of the Association for Global New Thought’s main offices, holds a large a dedicated pro-peace and nonviolence community. Every Saturday morning since the Iraq War began, large and small groups (including our Mayor!) nonviolently march down State Street with banners and flags, chanting and singing. On the occasion of the 5th anniversary of that war, a large march and weekend of meetings and awareness activities took place, culminating in this photo taken from the bell tower of the Santa Barbara Courthouse’s beautiful sunken gardens.
Author of the Daily Practices
More information to follow
Megan Stanek
Web Designer for Visual and Audio productiosn of Living Peace Mandala
As executive assistant to Dr. Barbara E. Fields, Executive Director of AGNT, Megan’s expertise has brought her into the service of implementing ideas like this one, that allow us to deliver our shared tools and resources to a very wide audience. Megan worked with all contributors to create the “delivery system” for this meditation mandala to you.