Awakened World Conferences
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What are the threads that weave together the complexities of spiritual principle, the technologies tracing human consciousness, and the establishment of an evolutionary culture right here and right now? In these times of critical shift, standing up for a compassionate, sustainable, and just new society is the most exciting conversation on the planet.
Pioneering spiritual activism in 1997 with the Synthesis Dialogues for His Holiness the Dalai Lama and the Season for Nonviolence, AGNT collaborated with the Institute of Noetic Sciences in 2003 to cross-cultivate the conference field by featuring best practices in spirit, science, and unified action.
During the past decade, our mission has been placed squarely into the laps of citizen leaders who have successfully organized entire communities to educate, engage in dialogue, and to strategically plan, implement, and sustain programs grounded in interfaith, intercultural, and interdisciplinary collaboration. ALL of our efforts require a foundation of deep inner practice. That said, we acknowledge our limitations and understand the value of an open system that continually scans for better information and new insights. With AGNT's dynamic model for spiritually-motivated action in place, we are calling for next steps.
As an organization dedicated to evolutionary practices, AGNT has fostered through its nine total Awakened World conferences a community that insists on pushing the boundaries of our collective potential, and exploring how human beings will successfully navigate an increasingly complex future.
How can a conference truly catalyze a new future? One answer is that the audience would be comprised of pioneering individuals who dare to lead the way, a sample size, if you will, representing a critical mass, assembling to bridge the gap between spiritual values and the choices we make, as individuals, as institutions, and as a society. We have great respect for the depth and originality of our community's collective works, and count you among the visionaries who can help galvanize this critical mass.