Seasons for Peace and Nonviolence
As a result of a decade of sustained strategic action, the Gandhi King Season for Nonviolence has helped to launch a new model for omni-local, spiritually-based peace governance, igniting a fusion of new communities and initiatives. “S.P.A.N. the Next Decade” celebrates four “Seasons” each year; groups may choose to participate in every season, specific seasons, or focus on one season as a theme for their permanent work.
A Season for Nonviolence is a national 64-day educational, media, and grassroots campaign dedicated to demonstrating that non-violence is a powerful way to heal, transform, and empower our lives and our communities. |
Season for the Earth is devoted to focusing our consciousness-in-action so we are better able to heal, nurture and transform the environment-- an undertaking now vital beyond description. |
A Season for Humane Service is all about compassionate service and giving. We assure you that your participation in these humanitarian projects will contribute to "A World of Good". |
Join hundreds of task forces around the world in prayer gatherings and workshops focusing on interfaith communication and harmony. |