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Getting to Know the New Thought Movement

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Unified Statement (draft)

For more than one hundred years the various strands of New Thought have traveled parallel paths. Today the distance among the visions and values of our organizations is negligible. Recent events, such as a shared participation in the Parliament of the World’s Religions, have increased our visibility on the International stage as a Spiritual Movement. With the guidance of the Association for Global New Thought, we are now able to initiate new collaborative models that have not been possible in the past. The New Thought Movement recognizes this transitional moment as historic and necessary to the generation of a living legacy of Spiritual Awakening and compassionate activism.

Stayed tuned for more exciting news as we begin this synergistic journey as a Global New Thought movement.

Synthesizing a New Thought Worldview


There is an inherent perfection and sacred worth in the universe, all of creation, and every individual.
The community of all life is interconnected and interdependent.
Consciousness is infinitely creative; we create our experience through our thoughts and feelings.
Human consciousness is ever evolving into higher states of awareness.


We honor the diversity of cultures and faiths while aiming to articulate, practice, and embody universal spiritual principles.
We encourage personal transformation and collective awakening.
We practice the gift of active compassion and kindness through our service to all life.
We foster a world that works for the highest good of all.


God is the Creative Process in action: in everything, everywhere, always, at once.
God is Love and Intelligence in relationship, expressing as the universe and all life.
God is Being each one of us.


Compassion, Service, Integrity, Creativity, Community, Education,Unconditional Love, Abundance, Spirituality

New Thought Organizations

Agape International Spiritual Center

Since its doors opened in 1986, Agape’s active teaching and practice of the New Thought-Ancient Wisdom tradition of spirituality has expanded into a trans-denominational movement and community of 9,000 local members and 1,000,000 friends worldwide.

Agape Universal Ministries is a global community dedicated to recognizing, honoring and nurturing the dignity and uniqueness of all peoples. Through a devoted practice of universal spiritual principles embodied in the New Thought-Ancient Wisdom teachings, we are agents of transformation. As a Tran denominational community, we serve within all levels of society to reveal the underlying harmony and perfection of the Universe. We promote the transformation and evolution of the planet through conscious co-creation and unconditional love.

The Agape International Spiritual Center is a global community dedicated to recognizing, honoring and nurturing the dignity and uniqueness of all peoples. Through devoted practice of universal spiritual principles embodied in the New Thought-Ancient Wisdom teachings, we are agents of transformation. As a transdenominational community, we serve within all levels of society to reveal the underlying perfection and harmony of the Universe. We embrace the transformational and evolutionary impulse of the planet through our spiritual practice, sacred service and unconditional love.

As a spiritual community our purpose is to be an environment for each individual to realize that they are a unique emanation of God, the Love-Intelligence governing the Universe. We embody not only a theoretical understanding of our oneness with God, we consciously practice this truth in our everyday lives. Through the New Thought-Ancient Wisdom teachings and the energy of unconditional love, we are committed to individual transformation and to being a beneficial presence on the planet. SIMPLY - WE ARE HERE FOR GOD.

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The Association for Global New Thought

Out of a deep conviction and pure passion to give our movement a clear voice and commanding presence on the global stage, the Association for Global New Thought - AGNT - has been born.

To consciously bring forth the evolving human and an awakened world through the practice of universal spiritual principles and the energy of unconditional love.

The goal of the Association for Global New Thought’s programs in spiritually guided activism is to support concerned and informed citizens in their emerging role as ethically motivated community leaders.
Spiritually guided activism is a term pioneered by the Association for Global New Thought and like-minded organizations to describe individuals who are spiritually mature and believe that, from this worldview, we need to take action in our communities to create positive change in this nation and beyond.

New Thought is a spiritually motivated way of life that embraces the ancient
wisdom traditions of east and west. We embody the belief that consciousness is
infinitely creative, operating through thought to shape the manifestation of our reality. Our principles reflect a universal conviction that the community of all life is sacred; our practices of meditation and healing prayer enhance a worldview
promoting reverence for, and service to humanity and planet earth. New Thought is committed to global healing through personal transformation, community-building, interfaith, intercultural, and interdisciplinary understanding, and compassionate activism.

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Unity Worldwide Ministries (Formerly Association for Unity Churches Internationl)

We are a worldwide network of churches and centers, ministers, licensed teachers and individuals sharing the vision and aim of furthering the Charles and Myrtle Fillmore tradition of "Practical Christianity" as demonstrated by Jesus Christ.

Centered in God, we co-create a world that works for all.

We create and support vibrant, diverse, spiritual leaders and communities that foster transformation and inspire people to make a positive difference in our world.

Spirit-led: We are centered in God. Spirit leads our thoughts and actions as we co-create a world that works for all.
Integrity: We act from a place of wholeness and are ethical in all our actions. We keep our word.
Diversity: We believe that all people are created with sacred worth. We promote greater understanding among people in a spirit of unity.
Transformation: We are a dynamic movement on the cutting edge of spiritual evolution. We teach universal spiritual principles that change lives.
Abundance: Living in the infinite flow of God's good, we draw from God's inexhaustible supply and wisely use our rich resources to serve the world.
Individuals grow spiritually when they are part of a supportive community, a church, of like-minded believers.

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Unity is a positive, practical, progressive approach to Christianity based on the teachings of Jesus and the power of prayer. Unity honors the universal truths in all religions and respects each individual's right to choose a spiritual path.

To be the world's premier provider of spiritual resources and the destination of choice for personal transformation.

Through prayer, publishing and spiritual education, we empower people to realize and express their divine potential for healthy, prosperous and meaningful lives.

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Centers for Spiritual Living

Centers for Spiritual Living supports positive global transformation through personal transformation. At Centers for Spiritual Living, we teach people how to have a life that works. When God is the focus of our spirituality, then other areas of our lives fall into place—we are happier, we can do more for others, be better stewards of the Earth, and help bring peace and harmony to the world. “The Science of Mind is the study of Life and the nature of the laws of thought; the conception that we live in a spiritual Universe; that God is in, through, around and for us.” - Dr. Ernest Holmes

Awakening Humanity to its Spiritual Magnificence! A healthy world free of homelessness, violence, war, hunger, separation and disenfranchisement…with generous and continuous sharing of heart and resources…where forgiveness is the norm...where borders are irrelevant, with an emphasis on beauty, nature, and love...the resurgence of creativity, art, and aesthetics...fellowship with all life... spiritual wisdom and experience...where we live and grow as One Global Family, respecting and honoring the interconnectedness of all life.

Awakening through Spiritual Community
to be a bridge across the illness and illusion of separation...to care about the entire planetary family...to bring the gift of active compassion and kindness to the entire planetary family...to convey a way of life based in spiritual practices that builds spiritual community globally...to further the experience of a "universal spirituality" bridging all peoples, cultures, nations and faiths. The mission of Religious Science International, as a world religion with world concerns, is to create an environment that nurtures and celebrates the individualized, authentic expression of Spirit through the principles of the Science of the Mind®

Spirituality, love, vision, community service, education, integrity, financial health, caring, and compassion.

Touching and transforming 100 million lives.

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Universal Foundation for Better Living

The Universal Foundation for Better Living (U.F.B.L.) is an international association of New Thought Christian churches, centers, and study groups dedicated to spreading the abundant life teachings of Jesus the Christ. Established by the Reverend Dr. Johnnie Colemon in 1974, this not-for-profit foundation’s aim is to make the empowering principles of practical Christianity accessible to all people. The New Thought teachings of the Universal Foundation for Better Living offer “Truth students” the tools to study and interpret the Bible, apply its ancient wisdom to everyday life, and reconnect with the indwelling presence and power of God.

The Universal Foundation for Better Living aspires to be an empowering agent that prepares and supports leaders and their congregations to do ministry effectively in the world.

The Mission of the Foundation is to organize, coordinate and encourage the establishment, growth and development of its member churches, centers and study groups.

To establish a global ministry with member churches or centers in major cities of the world; To provide initial and continuing education for religious professionals working in the centers/churches and study-groups; To publish training materials, ministry resources and other literature for sale to the general public; To establish and maintain a system of examination, licensing and ordination, and certification for religious professionals; To create and maintain an office of field ministry to oversee the operations of member churches/centers and study-groups; To establish ethical and operational standards for member churches/centers and study groups, and provide instruction and consultation to aid in their compliance; To promote a sense of unity among member churches/centers and study-groups, and to encourage continued growth.

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Affiliated New Thought Network

ANTN was founded by independent Religious Science ministers who envisioned a spiritual community that would provide heart-centered connection, support and networking for independent Religious Science ministries. They also envisioned a community in which Consciousness was the sole authority. Based on those visions, ANTN was formed in 1992. Since its inception, ANTN has evolved to include not only independent Religious Science ministries, but all New Thought ministries who desire to be a part of such a spiritual community.

To create global transformation and healing through empowering New Thought ministries that encourage creativity, caring community, education, and spiritual support.

To foster the growth of unique New Thought communities that encourage the consciousness of service, spiritual growth and integrity.

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Hillside International Truth Center

Hillside International Chapel and Truth Center, Inc. is a healing ministry of the whole person: Spirit, Mind, and Body. Our sole purpose is to teach people - regardless of race, ethnic background, creed, color or gender - the practical approach to Truth (Christianity) as taught by the Master Teacher - Jesus the Christ.

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