Thursday, August 13, 2009
Sonia Weksler
Present: Barbara Fields, Kathy Hearn, Sonia Weksler
Role as Videographer:
S: I was a little nervous and overwhelmed going into this by the impressive bios and the huge task we are charged with. Met with Cheryl and Susana yesterday….we feel so honored but want to admit what we don’t know and it’s a huge responsibility as far as the technical set up and application. Want to make sure we have the right equipment etc. Cheryl said not to worry…discussed what we’re going to bring. She has 2 tv cameras…we’re going to do a technical meeting in advance with someone who knows. And trust ourselves and that the resources will come and all will fall into place.
B: we will do our best to trust the process. I have a few friends I could have asked to do the project, and they will be happy to be on hand while it is taking place to answer questions. You will have more fun if you’re not stressed out. We want to work differently in this meeting.
Also, Hillary Carr- production manager of Awakened World for many years. She now works in LA, Hollywood, and would love to come and support the video team as a director. Also great problem solver.
Connie will also come and volunteer to help if needed. Does she have useful technical expertise? No, we don’t think so.
Hoping that you and Susana will be key members of the team working on post production. Don’t know the timing yet or the product.
S: Even in writing my own bio I was nervous and unsure how to reconcile why I was invited to this role and what I have to bring to the table, other than the video and my passion to know more and learn more.
B: Primarily you were invited in the role of videographer, but that does not preclude you from participating in the rest of the meeting.
In order for the now generation to be successful there has to be an authenticity about people embracing their roles without feeling insecure or like they have to be doing the same thing as anyone else. You have a skill to offer that is better than that what could be offered by anyone else for this group.
S: I’m hoping it will be an eye/mind/heart opener and it will just flow.
I would love to be able to formulate some kind of production schedule and mock set up in advance, to think about camera angles etc.
B: After we figure out the design we can create a script for you that lays out agenda, locations, lighting, etc.
You might want to come by earlier or the day before to look at the venues. Monday the 21st morning?
Question 1: What result/gift/offering would you like to take away from the meeting for yourself?
They are all interconnected; for myself to find a clear direction through which to funnel the yearnings that I have. Things that I would like to do to make the world a better place.
Queston 2: What result/gift/offering would you like to be seeded in this meeting for this group (and its immediate circles)?
That will also happen for each individual as a side effect of the group doing this.
Question 3: What result/gift/offering would you like to, eventually, emerge from this meeting for our social evolution as a world?
My thesis is that we can create social change in the world by a mass media message…brainwashing for the masses is a relevant tool. J There is starting to be a shift in consciousness where people like my father who used to be a “Bush-y” and now he likes Obama. He used to be a carnivore and after seeing a tv special is now a vegetation. People are malleable to a message, and especially a group that has this consciousness of spirituality mixed with the social consciousness. Enlightened individuals who are younger and into social networking to get our messages out…it’s exciting to have all of us together and that I’m going to be part of capturing this to get these messages out…it’ll be cool to see how it all crystallizes.
B:Once you go through the whole phase of producing something of note, your maturity in your profession will be at a whole different level. Synthesis Dialogues is an example of a really good job you could do right away. Good starting point. It’s been post produced from 70 or 80 hours down to 60 min.
S: Just the fact that I have the opportunity to actively do and create…I am totally exhilarated by, grateful, and excited.
B: We would like to plan a group call a couple weeks before the meeting to go over the design/agenda.