Friday, August 14, 2009
Danielle Gram

Present: Barbara Fields, Danielle Gram

Current projects:
Kids for peace: Over 50 chapters around the world. Aug 8 was great kindness challenge. Internet system keeping track of people signing up.

B: FYI- Nipun Mehta has group called, he created the smile cards,; all about acts of kindness and generosity


B: AGNT has some amazing nonviolence connections; Ela Gandhi; (granddaughter of Mahatma) was in South African parliament for 25 years. Most of the programs for abused women/children have been spearheaded by Ela. She has tremendous resources for the areas you’re talking about. We can help you make connections like that.



***time to talk about actual need- state upfront and give people a chance to respond***
(We’ll put a draft design of the meeting together and send out to everyone to tweak.)

***Section to talk about challenges and how to overcome this***
Difficulties that come up being a young person heading an organization and managing older people. It takes a while to prove that our visions are not naiveté; they have substance and we really are creating change.


Idea of what event you’re coming to:

D: Spending a lot of time sharing and learning with each other.

B: There is no pre-existing design; just when and where we’ll be together; we’ll put more structure on it in coming times. And we’d like to let the process speak to us a little bit. Stay with the idea that has energy.  And we’ll invite some people from the community so they can benefit, but still keep it small.

How do you see this group staying connected after the meeting?

D: I’ve seen a lot of overlap in the projects we’re doing. It would be great to have joint events, programs. Especially those working in media/ documentary. KFP has a few things in the works- books, theatre/artsy stuff.  KFP also wants to have a page on their website for links to other youth peace work.

B: AGNT has the benefit of a large network. How can we all strategize to connect in a way that is mutually beneficial, so that we’re not competing for resources/funding etc.