Conference Presenters & Themes

Dr. A.T. Ariyaratne and Samya Charika Marasinghe (daughter)

The Sarvodaya Shramadana Movement in Sri Lanka: World Change through Inner Transformation
Traveling from Sri Lanka is renowned Buddhist and political leader, Dr. A.T. Ariyaratne,, founder and leader of the Sarvodaya Movement in Sri Lanka whose efforts have been tireless in rebuilding the country after the tsunami disaster. The 40 year old Sarvodaya Shramadana movement has been an umbrella for the sustainable  socioeconomic and spiritual development of 10,000 Sri Lankan villages. Ari will be joined by his daughter, stepping in line with Ari’s son to take over their father’s great work. 

Pilgrimage of the Family of Abraham: AGNT & Harvard Global Negotiation Project

AGNT is partnering with William Ury, co-founder with President Jimmy Carter of the Global Negotiation Project at Harvard and author of Getting to Yes, and The Third Side. Religious leaders from the Third Synthesis Dialogues in Rome, 2004, are committed to making this healing initiative in the Middle East a reality in our time. Other presenters: Jim Kenney, Global Director of the Council for a Parliament of the World’s Religions from 1995-2002 on “Sea Change: Living in a Time of Cultural Evolution;” Levi Weiman-Kelman, Rabbis for Human Rights, Jerusalem, on “Justice, Spirituality, and Peacemaking;” A. Rashied Omar, Muslim imam, on The Role of Faith in Conflict Transformation in the Middle East.

Phil Cousineau: Joseph Campbell Foundation

The Art of Pilgrimage: Transforming Our Inner Life By Walking Through the Outer World
For Millennia, pilgrimage has emphasized deep attention and devotion to the Divine presence in every moment. Over the last decade, the world has witnessed a resurgence in the ancient practice of pilgrimage, the spiritually transformative journey to a holy place. Come discuss the deeper implications of pilgrimage as a model and practice for turning everyday existence into a sacred journey.

Mrs. Ela Gandhi, South African Parliament: Nonviolence is Becoming A Reality

Granddaughter of the Mahatma and close friend of President Nelson Mandela, Mrs. Gandhi fought 30 years in SA Parliament for nonviolence education and human rights for women and children. A tireless proponent of responsible media, anti-poverty, and youth, Mrs. Gandhi celebrates the 50th anniversary of her newspaper, Satyagraha, this year!

Marianne Williamson & the US Department of Peace: Miracles at Home

Marianne Williamson, author and national leader for the US Department of Peace, represents the critical necessity for grassroots activists to lead projects at home in the United States that will build spirit-led citizenship and create stronger communities among disenfranchised populations.  Marianne describes the initiative: “The Department of Peace will be dedicated to the research and articulation of non-violent solutions to domestic as well as international conflicts. The Department will not replace the military or the Department of State; rather, it will augment them. It will represent a holistic approach to politics. This is not about alternative solutions; it is about complementary solutions.”

Dr. Jean Houston: Social Artistry and Life Purpose

We find ourselves in the midst of the most massive shift of perspective  humankind has ever known. A new set of values--holistic, syncretic, relationship and process-oriented, organic and spiritual--is rising within us and around us.
Though the forces of entropy and fear seek to contain or regress us, we know there is no going back. Not only has the time come to step into our own social artistry and higher life purpose, but it comes just in time to serve a world in desperate need of our gifts. Come discover your place in the world scheme.

Andrew Cohen

“Evolutionary Enlightenment: Individual Purpose and Effective Engagement”
Visionary thinker, spiritual teacher, and founder of What Is Enlightenment? magazine. He has become widely recognized as a defining voice in the emerging field of evolutionary spirituality. Through the magazine, his writings, talks, and pioneering dialogues with innovative teachers and thinkers across traditions and disciplines, He has authored twelve books, including Embracing Heaven & Earth, and Living Enlightenment: A Call for Evolution Beyond Ego, and has presented his work on the future of religion at some of the leading interfaith and interdisciplinary symposia around the world. He has also founded centers in the United States, England, India, Holland, Denmark, and France dedicated to exploring the evolution of consciousness.

Our Spirituality Demonstrated: Creating Peace Through Spiritually-Based Action

Just as Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. began his civil rights movement in his church, New Thought ministers are beginning to encourage spiritually-motivated social activism in their congregations. Many of us, ministers and congregants, feel drawn by Spirit to make a contribution to the evolution of our world, but may feel overwhelmed by the scope, politics, and legalities of the task. Dot Maver – Executive Director, The Peace Alliance; Lynn McMullen – National Campaign Coordinator, The Peace Alliance; Rev. Wendy Craig Purcell – Church of Today Unity, San Diego CA; Christine Elliot - Co-Coordinator “Americans For the Department of Peace”; John McNeil - Co-Coordinator “Americans For the Department of Peace.”


Recently celebrating her 75th year, our own Barbara Marx Hubbard, pioneer in conscious evolution, will share deeply the fruits of a forty year journey in self and social evolution. Barbara has guided us to place ourselves on the Map of Self and Social Evolution and predicts we will come to a beautiful finale with a new sacrament for cocreators; The Sacrament of Coordination for those who seek to fully embody the Self. For a lifetime of unwavering commitment and fearless conviction, we honor this soul as our dear friend and as a great heroine of our times.